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2023 in numbers

Reflecting on My 2023 Journey

As I sit down to reflect on the incredible journey that was 2023, the Google statistics paint a vivid picture of a year filled with exploration, self-discovery, and a learning. I’m happy to share the story of my adventures through some simple numbers and what I’ve realized along the way.   A Map of My Year: 1. Places I Explored:    – Countries/Regions Visited: 15    – Cities Explored: 131    – New Places Discovered: 456

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Agile Camp Romania 2023

Agile Camp Romania 2023: A Weekend of Learning and Inspiration

What a weekend it has been! In the middle of the Carpathian Mountains in Sinaia, Romania, Agile Camp Romania took place, and it was nothing short of amazing.  Picture this: a weekend with intriguing activities, attended by incredibly passionate individuals, predominantly Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, developers, and management professionals. With a total of 50 participants, including many dedicated volunteers and organizers, the event was an impressive experience. One of the

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Journey through visual agile facilitation: a worldwide connection

🌍✨ Just wrapped up an incredible journey with the “Visual Agile Facilitation” training in Antwerp, Belgium, during the first week of September 2023, and the energy and inspiration are still soaring! 💪💡 When I initially registered, I anticipated being the sole foreigner in the room. However, what I encountered was nothing short of pleasantly surprising: a diverse group of participants and facilitators coming from five continents and numerous countries, including Australia , Belgium ,

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